How To Say Handsome In Thai Language
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How To Say Handsome In Thai Language

To say “handsome” in Thai, you say หล่อ (pr […]

To say “handsome” in Thai, you say หล่อ (pronounced “law”). This is a general word that can be used to describe any man who is physically attractive.

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How To Say Handsome In Thai Language 1

Here are some examples of how to use the word “หล่อ” in a sentence:

How To Say Handsome In Thai Language 2

  • คุณหล่อมาก. (khun law maak) – You are very handsome.
  • เขาหล่อจังเลย. (khao law jang loei) – He is so handsome.
  • ฉันชอบผู้ชายหล่อๆ. (chan chop phu chai law law) – I like handsome men.

You can also use the word “หล่อ” to compliment someone on their specific features, such as their face, hair, or eyes. For example:

How To Say Handsome In Thai Language 3

  • หน้าคุณหล่อ. (naa khun law) – You have a handsome face.
  • ผมคุณหล่อมาก. (pom khun law maak) – You have very handsome hair.
  • ดวงตาคุณหล่อจังเลย. (duang ta khun law jang loei) – Your eyes are so handsome.

It is important to note that the word “หล่อ” can also be used to describe things that are not people, such as clothes, cars, or even buildings. However, it is most commonly used to describe handsome men.

How To Say Handsome In Thai Language 4

Here are some tips for saying the word “หล่อ” correctly:

How To Say Handsome In Thai Language 5

  • The vowel sound in “หล่อ” is similar to the “aw” sound in the English word “law.”
  • The “ล” sound in “หล่อ” is a bit like the “l” sound in English, but it is pronounced with the tongue curled back slightly.
  • The “ร” sound in “หล่อ” is similar to the “r” sound in English, but it is pronounced with the tongue curled back even further.

If you are having trouble pronouncing the word “หล่อ,” you can try practicing with a native Thai speaker. They can help you get the pronunciation just right.

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