How To Tell Time In Thai Language
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kct13 พฤศจิกายน 2023

How To Tell Time In Thai Language

Sure, here is an explanation of how to tell time in the […]

Sure, here is an explanation of how to tell time in the Thai language:

How To Tell Time In Thai Language 1

Telling time in Thai

How To Tell Time In Thai Language 2

There are two main ways to tell time in Thai: the formal way and the informal way.

How To Tell Time In Thai Language 3

The formal way

How To Tell Time In Thai Language 4

The formal way to tell time in Thai uses the word นาฬิกา (naa-lí-gaa), which means “clock.” For example, to say “3:00 pm,” you would say:

How To Tell Time In Thai Language 5

สามนาฬิกา (sǎam naa-lí-gaa)

You can also specify the minutes by adding the word นาที (naa-thii), which means “minute.” For example, to say “3:15 pm,” you would say:

สามนาฬิกาสิบห้า (sǎam naa-lí-gaa sìp-hòk)

The informal way
The informal way to tell time in Thai is more common and is used in everyday conversation. It uses the following words:

  • โมง (moong) – o’clock
  • เช้า (chaao) – morning
  • เย็น (yen) – evening
  • ทุ่ม (thoom) – pm
  • ตี (dtee) – am

For example, to say “9:00 am,” you would say:

เก้าโมงเช้า (gaaoF mo:hngM chaaoH)

And to say “7:00 pm,” you would say:

เจ็ดโมงเย็น (jetL mo:hngM yenM)

You can also use the words ครึ่ง (krûng), which means “half,” to say times like 30 minutes past the hour. For example, to say “3:30 pm,” you would say:

บ่ายโมงครึ่ง (bàai moong krʉ̂ng)

Additional notes

  • When telling time in Thai, the hour is always said before the minutes.
  • The word เที่ยง (tîang) means “noon” and เที่ยงคืน (tîang ku:n) means “midnight.”
  • When telling time in Thai, 24-hour time is also used.

I hope this explanation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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