How To Say Please In Thai Language
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How To Say Please In Thai Language

To say “please” in Thai, you can use the wo […]

To say “please” in Thai, you can use the word กรุณา (kà-rů-naa). This is the most formal way to say “please” and is often used in writing or in formal situations. For example, you might say กรุณาให้ความช่วยเหลือฉัน (kà-rů-naa hàai khwam chûay cheun) to ask someone for help in a formal setting.

How To Say Please In Thai Language 1

In everyday speech, however, it is more common to use the word หน่อย (nɔ̀ɔi) to say “please.” This is a more informal way to say “please” and can be used in most situations. For example, you might say ช่วยฉันหน่อย (chûay cheun nɔ̀ɔi) to ask a friend for help, or ข้าวผัดหน่อย (khao phad nɔ̀ɔi) to order fried rice at a restaurant.

How To Say Please In Thai Language 2

Here are some more examples of how to say “please” in Thai:

How To Say Please In Thai Language 3

  • ช่วยฉันด้วย (chûay cheun dŭai) – Please help me.
  • เปิดประตูหน่อย (bpíd prà-dtoo nɔ̀ɔi) – Please open the door.
  • ให้ฉันหน่อย (hâi cheun nɔ̀ɔi) – Please give me some.
  • อย่าทำแบบนั้นสิ (yàa dtam bɛ̀ɛp nán si) – Please don’t do that.
  • ขอบคุณครับ/ค่ะ (khòp khun khrap/ka) – Thank you.

It is important to note that the Thai language has a gendered system of politeness, so you will need to use different words and sentence endings depending on whether you are speaking to a man or a woman. For example, the word ครับ (khrap) is used when speaking to a man, while the word ค่ะ (ka) is used when speaking to a woman.

How To Say Please In Thai Language 4

Here is a table of some common Thai politeness words and phrases:

How To Say Please In Thai Language 5

GenderPoliteness wordExample
Maleครับ (khrap)ขอบคุณครับ (khòp khun khrap) – Thank you.
Femaleค่ะ (ka)ขอบคุณค่ะ (khòp khun ka) – Thank you.
Male or femaleขอ (khaw)ขอโทษ (khaw thòt) – Sorry.
Male or femaleได้ครับ/ค่ะ (dâi khrap/ka)ได้ครับ ไม่เป็นไรครับ (dâi khrap mâi bpen rai khrap) – You’re welcome.

By following these simple tips, you can learn to say “please” in Thai and make a good impression on the locals.

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