How To Say No In Thai Language
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How To Say No In Thai Language

To say no in Thai, you can use the word ไม่ (mâi). This […]

To say no in Thai, you can use the word ไม่ (mâi). This is the most basic and direct way to say no, and it can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, if someone offers you something that you don’t want, you can say ไม่เอา (mâi ao), which means “I don’t want it.” Or, if someone asks you to do something that you don’t want to do, you can say ไม่ไป (mâi bpai), which means “I don’t want to go.”

How To Say No In Thai Language 1

However, Thai culture is known for its politeness, so it is often considered more polite to say no in a more indirect way. One way to do this is to use the phrase ไม่เป็นไร (mâi bpen rai), which literally means “it’s not a problem.” This phrase can be used to politely decline an offer or refuse to do something. For example, if someone offers you food and you’re not hungry, you can say ไม่เป็นไร, ขอบคุณ (mâi bpen rai, khob khun), which means “I’m fine, thank you.”

How To Say No In Thai Language 2

Another way to say no politely in Thai is to use the phrase ไม่สะดวก (mâi sà-duak), which means “not convenient.” This phrase can be used to decline an invitation or refuse to do something because you’re busy or have other commitments. For example, if someone invites you to a party but you have to work, you can say ไม่สะดวก, ขอโทษครับ/คะ (mâi sà-duak, kho thot khrap/kha), which means “It’s not convenient, I’m sorry.”

How To Say No In Thai Language 3

Here are some more examples of how to say no in Thai:

How To Say No In Thai Language 4

  • ไม่กิน (mâi gin) – I don’t want to eat.
  • ไม่ดื่ม (mâi dtuem) – I don’t want to drink.
  • ไม่สูบบุหรี่ (mâi sùb bu-rii) – I don’t smoke.
  • ไม่เข้าใจ (mâi khâo jai) – I don’t understand.
  • ไม่เห็นด้วย (mâi hĕn duai) – I don’t agree.
  • ไม่สามารถทำได้ (mâi sà-màt tham dai) – I can’t do it.
  • ไม่เป็นความคิดที่ดี (mâi bpen khwâm khit dii) – It’s not a good idea.
  • ไม่แน่ใจ (mâi nǎi jai) – I’m not sure.
  • ขอเวลาคิดก่อน (khǒ wela khit gon) – I need some time to think about it.

When saying no in Thai, it is important to be polite and respectful. This is especially true if you are speaking to someone older or more senior than you. You should also avoid using the word ไม่ (mâi) too often, as this can come across as rude. Instead, try to use some of the more indirect phrases mentioned above.

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