How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language
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kct7 พฤศจิกายน 2023

How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language

The most common way to say goodbye in Thai is สวัสดี (s […]

The most common way to say goodbye in Thai is สวัสดี (sawasdee), which can also be used to say hello. It is a versatile word that can be used in any situation, regardless of the formality of the context. To make it more polite, you can add the gender-specific particle ครับ (krap) for men or ค่ะ (ka) for women at the end.


How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language 1

Here are some examples of how to use สวัสดี to say goodbye:

How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language 2

  • สวัสดีครับ. (Sawasdee krap.) – Goodbye, sir.
  • สวัสดีค่ะ. (Sawasdee ka.) – Goodbye, ma’am.
  • สวัสดีทุกคน. (Sawasdee thuk khon.) – Goodbye everyone.

If you are saying goodbye to someone you are unlikely to see again, you can use the more formal phrase ลา (laa gon). It is also a good choice to use when saying goodbye to a group of people in a formal setting.

How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language 3

Here are some examples of how to use ลา to say goodbye:

How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language 4

  • ลาก่อนครับ. (La gon krap.) – Goodbye, sir.
  • ลาก่อนค่ะ. (La gon ka.) – Goodbye, ma’am.
  • ลาทุกคนครับ/ค่ะ. (La thuk khon krap/ka.) – Goodbye everyone.

Here are some other ways to say goodbye in Thai, depending on the context:

How To Say Goodbye In Thai Language 5

  • ไปก่อน (pai gon) – I’m going ahead.
  • เจอกัน (jur gan) – See you later.
  • ฝันดี (fan dee) – Good night.
  • ดูแลตัวเอง (doo lae tua eng dee dee) – Take care.
  • ขอบคุณสำหรับวันนี้ (khob khun sam rap wan nee) – Thank you for today.

When saying goodbye in Thai, it is also customary to wai, which is a traditional Thai greeting gesture. To wai, place your hands together in a prayer position in front of your chest and bow your head slightly.

I hope this helps!

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