How To Say Congrats In Thai Language
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kct14 พฤศจิกายน 2023

How To Say Congrats In Thai Language

Here are some ways to say congratulations in Thai: ยินด […]

Here are some ways to say congratulations in Thai:

How To Say Congrats In Thai Language 1

  • ยินดีด้วย (yin-dee dûay) is the most common way to say congratulations in Thai. It can be used in any situation, whether you are congratulating someone on a big achievement or a small victory.
  • ดีใจด้วย (dii-jai dûay) is another common way to say congratulations in Thai. It is similar to ยินดีด้วย, but it has a slightly more emotional tone.
  • ขอแสดงความยินดี (khor sǎng khěm yaan khin-dee) is a more formal way to say congratulations in Thai. It is often used when congratulating someone on a special occasion, such as a graduation or a wedding.
  • สุดยอดเลย (soot yòt loei) is a more informal way to say congratulations in Thai. It means “great job!” or “awesome!”
  • เยี่ยมไปเลย (yiem pai loei) is another informal way to say congratulations in Thai. It means “excellent!” or “well done!”

Here are some examples of how to use these phrases in a sentence:

How To Say Congrats In Thai Language 2

  • ยินดีด้วยกับการสำเร็จการศึกษาของคุณ! (yin-dee dûay khap kan sám-rèch kan sǎk-să-dìt khon!) – Congratulations on your graduation!
  • ดีใจด้วยกับคุณจริงๆ (dii-jai dûay khap khun rìn-jing) – I’m really happy for you!
  • ขอแสดงความยินดีกับคุณด้วยในการได้รับรางวัลนี้ (khor sǎng khěm yaan khin-dee khap khun dŭay nai kan dâai-rập rang-wǎn ní) – Congratulations on receiving this award!
  • สุดยอดเลย! คุณสอบผ่านแล้ว (soot yòt loei! Khun sǎp phàn lèu!) – Great job! You passed the exam!
  • เยี่ยมไปเลย! คุณทำงานได้ดีมาก (yiem pai loei! Khun tam-ngān dâai dì mak!) – Excellent! You did a great job!

How To Say Congrats In Thai Language 3

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