Why should the car registration book be stored in the car? Why?
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kct16 March 2024

Why should the car registration book be stored in the car? Why?

The reason that the car registration book should not be kept at the car Prevent theft of important documents The car registration book is an important document that specifies the information of the car owner and the car details completely. If stored in the car, there is a chance of robbery easily and may lead […]

The reason that the car registration book should not be kept at the car

  1. Prevent theft of important documents
    The car registration book is an important document that specifies the information of the car owner and the car details completely.
    If stored in the car, there is a chance of robbery easily and may lead to forging documents or selling per car.
  2. Prevent damage
    Keeping the car registration book on the car may damage the document from moisture.
    Water or fire
    Including the registration book may be damaged by rats or insects.
  3. Lost If the robbery or the car is lost
    The registration book stored in the car will also be lost.
    Causing the car owner to face problems in applying for new documents or various operations
  4. Customization
    If keeping the registration book in the car
    There may be risks that bad people can access and edit information in the registration book, such as
    Change the name of the car owner or car details.
    Which may lead to legal problems later
  5. Not convenient inspection
    If the car owner wants to check the information in the registration book or use the registration book in various operations
    Keeping the registration book at the car may make it inconvenient and have to waste time searching or traveling to the parking spot
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