Why should the car registration book be stored in the car? Why?
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WilliamDavis12 February 2024

Why should the car registration book be stored in the car? Why?

Storing car registration books or motorcycles in a car or motorcycle has risks and consequences. Therefore, we should not keep the car registration book in the car for the following reasons. Or use fake cars to sell. In which the car registration book and motorcycle are organized as an important document that officials must call […]

Storing car registration books or motorcycles in a car or motorcycle has risks and consequences.
Therefore, we should not keep the car registration book in the car for the following reasons.

    Or use fake cars to sell.

    In which the car registration book and motorcycle are organized as an important document that officials must call
    Especially if the officer suspects that the driver has an arrest warrant
    And if the driver does not have a registration book, there is a chance to be taken to the police station until the real car owner will bring the registration book to

    The registration book is a chance to get wet or sunburn.
    Until the documents within the registration book are damaged and cannot be used
    And another situation is to forget the registration book in the car
    When we drive to the registration book, it will fall.

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