What should the exhaust smell cause? What should I do next?
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kct14 January 2024

What should the exhaust smell cause? What should I do next?

The smell of exhaust into the car Caused by the exhaust from the engine to pass into the car cabin. Which, in addition to being annoying, not good for health Because the exhaust from the engine has many toxins such as carbon monoxide carbon dioxideNitrogen oxide, etc., which may affect the respiratory system. And the […]

The smell of exhaust into the car
Caused by the exhaust from the engine to pass into the car cabin.
Which, in addition to being annoying, not good for health
Because the exhaust from the engine has many toxins such as carbon monoxide
carbon dioxideNitrogen oxide, etc., which may affect the respiratory system.
And the brain

Engine oil check check

The cause of the exhaust smell into the car can be divided into 2 main reasons as follows.

  • Ise pipe The most common cause
    The exhaust pipe may leak in one area, such as the exhaust filter area.
    The exhaust neck areaThe exhaust pipe areaOr the end of the exhaust pipe
    The leak of the exhaust may be caused by many factors such as
    Drive through the area with salt steam or drive through the floods to cause rust.
    Or cracks, exhaust pipes deteriorate according to the service life
    Or caused by the installation of incorrect exhaust

  • Other partsOf the car deteriorates
    Other partsOf cars that may cause the smell of exhaust into the car, such as the cylinder head gasket
    Seal, valve, gas pipe, exhaust, etc.
    These parts may deteriorate according to the service life or leakage.

When found to have the smell of exhaust pipes into the car
Should hurry to find the cause and fix quickly
Most of them can be fixed by yourself or bring the car to the technician to check and repair.

If found that the Ise pipeCan check and repair by yourself
By checking the leak at the exhaust pipe
If the leak is found, use the tape to repair the exhaust pipe or bring the car to the mechanic.

If found that other partsOf the car deteriorates
Should bring the car to the technician to check and repair quickly.

The following is a way to prevent the smell of exhaust.

  • Check the exhaust and other parts.Of the car regularly
  • Avoid driving through the area with salt steam or driving through floods
  • Fuel to be at an appropriate level
  • Change engine oil and engine oil filter as scheduled
  • Change brake fluid and gear oil as scheduled

If strictly follow the above instructions
It will help reduce the risk of smelling the exhaust into the car.

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