What do you want to wake up early?
  1. Cosmetic
kct17 January 2024

What do you want to wake up early?

1.Prepare in advance before bed Having dinner 2-3 Hour to reduce flatulence Digestion that is not perfect at night is more difficult to wake up in the morning. Which will make you feel tired all dayDiscouraged water after 10 pm Because it will reduce the wake of the bathroom in the middle of the night […]

1.Prepare in advance before bed

  • Having dinner 2-3
    Hour to reduce flatulence
    Digestion that is not perfect at night is more difficult to wake up in the morning.
    Which will make you feel tired all dayDiscouraged water after 10 pm
    Because it will reduce the wake of the bathroom in the middle of the night
  • Reduce or avoid drinking chorogol tea.
    Or drinks that consist of some caffeine in the latter at 17.00 hrs.
    Including all kinds of alcoholIncluding causing insomnia all night
    Resulting in feeling tired when waking up in the morning
  • Adjust the bedroom atmosphere to be suitable for sleep.
    Create an appropriate and comfortable bedroom environment to sleep.You should reduce the light.
    Turn off electrical appliances and various devices.That may disturb your sleep

2.Set time to bed and wake up regularly.

  • Go to bed and sleep at the same time every day.
    Even on holidaysAnd will have to maintain this sleep time for 7 days a week
    It may take a little longer to adapt to the new time that has changed.
    Until becoming a habitThen you will feel tired at the same time.
    One day regularlyUntil allowing you to enter a fixed sleep cycle
    Which makes it easier to sleep at night
    Including waking up early in the morning

Create a suitable environment for enough sleep.

  • Adjust the temperature in the room appropriately.
    The temperature in the room should be adjusted to cool at around 18-22 degrees Celsius.
    Will help to sleep comfortably throughout the night.
    Should adjust the light in the room to suit sleep
    Avoid sleeping in an noise environment.
    Because the loud noise may result in your sleep disturbing.
  • Adjust the light in the room to suit sleep.Should adjust the light in the room to be completely dark
    So as not to stimulate the middle of the night
    Avoid sleeping in an noise environment.
    Because the loud noise may result in your sleep disturbing.
  • Choose a comfortable mattress.You should choose a comfortable mattress.Suitable for your position
    Because sleeping on an inappropriate mattress will affect your back health and your sleeping system.

4.Create a regular routine schedule

  • Create a daily routine with a plan.Both eating
    Exercise, rest and find ways to relieve stress
    Write down your children’s activities every day to see what you eat.What are you going to do?
    And what time does it take?This record will help you notice various behaviors.
    Or factors that can affect your sleep

Leverage yourself out of bed as soon as the alarm clock louder

  • Do not give up on the Snoze button on the alarm clock.
    Prepare the alarm clock to be loud enough for you to hear.
    Then close the alarm clock far from the bed
    To force you to get up and walk to close the sound.
    Try to open the curtains or open the window to allow the sunlight to come in.
    Because the sunlight is a sign that your brain says that now has entered the morning.
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