Tips for adding feng shui carsFor the prosperity of the year 2024
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IsabellaMoore14 March 2024

Tips for adding feng shui carsFor the prosperity of the year 2024

Auspicious car year 2024: Choose the color of the car to suit the annual element, which in 2024 Gold and water elements are outstanding elements.For those who were born in the year Should choose a white car, silver, gold or gray, which is a gold elementAs for those born in the year of the snake […]

  1. Auspicious car year 2024:
    Choose the color of the car to suit the annual element, which in 2024
    Gold and water elements are outstanding elements.For those who were born in the year
    Should choose a white car, silver, gold or gray, which is a gold elementAs for those born in the year of the snake
    Olives, Black or Green, which is a water element

  2. Enhance fortune with auspicious items:
    Bringing auspicious things that add fortune in the car, such as golden or red teddy bears
    8 auspicious stone beads or small amuletsPut the keychain attached
    To be auspicious and help enhance the fortune to the driver and passengers.

  3. Place things in the car order: Place various items.
    In the car to be organized, not cluttered
    To achieve convenience in use and drivingBecause according to Feng Shui principles
    Overgrown and disorderedness will obstruct good energy flow

  4. Regular car cleaning:
    Wash the car thoroughly both inside and outside, at least once a week.
    Because clean cars will represent good energy, clean and attract good things

  5. Film film:
    The film film is a way to balance the energy in the car.
    And helps the driver and passengers feel more comfortable.

  6. Avoid parking in a damp place:
    Should not park the car in a dark place
    Because it can cause negative energy accumulated in the car.

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