The hair trick is very long.
  1. Cosmetic
kct29 January 2024

The hair trick is very long.

The long hair trick is very fast.Can do in many waysDepends on various factors such as Body health conditionAnd consistency in hair care In general, our hair is about 1/2 inches long per month or about 6 inches per year. But will be longer if it is properly taken care of Very fast hair tips […]

The long hair trick is very fast.Can do in many waysDepends on various factors such as
Body health conditionAnd consistency in hair care
In general, our hair is about 1/2 inches long per month or about 6 inches per year.
But will be longer if it is properly taken care of

Very fast hair tips

  • Regular hair care
    Shampoo with shampoo and conditioner suitable for hair conditions 2-3 times a week.
    And nourish the hair with oil or hair cream every time after washing the hair
  • Regularly trim the ends of the hair
    Piming the ends will help the hair longer.
    Because the ends of dry and damaged hair will break the ends and easily fall off.
  • Eat useful food
    Eat foods that are rich in proteins.Vitamins and minerals such as meat, fish, eggs
    Milk and fruits will help nourish the hair stronger and longer. Faster
  • Avoid using heat with hair
    Heat from a hair dryer, hair curling hair
    Are all the factors that make the hair dry, damaged and fragile
    Therefore should avoid using the heat to the hair as much as possible.
  • Regular exercise
    Exercise will stimulate the blood flow in the body.Including the scalp area
    Resulting in the hair getting nutrients and grows better

Hair fermentation formula, long hair accelerating

In addition to regular hair care
Hair fermentation with natural formulas is another way to help accelerate long hair as well.
Popular hair accelerated hair recipes are as follows.

  • Egg yolk recipe
    Coconut oil
    Mix 1 egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, stir well.
    Marinate the hair for about 30 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
  • Banana formulaHoney Crushed 1 ripe banana with 1 honey.
    Spoon, stir to combine, marinate the hair for about 20 minutes.
    Then rinse with clean water.
  • Kaffirn oil formula
    Mix 1 tablespoon kaffir lime oil with 1 cup of water. Stir well.
    Marinate for about 30 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

Should ferment the hair on a regular basis 2-3 times a week.
Will help the hair to be longer faster.


  • If having hair loss problems or thin hair
    Should consult a doctor or hair expert before doing any way.
  • should not use too much heat to the hair.
  • should choose a gentle hair care product
    Does not cause irritation

Just follow these tips regularly.
Will help the hair longer faster.

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