The color of the bag is on birthday.
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kct19 March 2024

The color of the bag is on birthday.

The wallet color according to the date of birth – Feng shui brings talent Loc Self -brown hair Of course The blue eye of honey In feng shui, color plays an important role important in balancing yin and yang, the five elements, bringing luck and fortune owner.Accordingly, the wallet color is also a factor that […]

The wallet color according to the date of birth – Feng shui brings talent

Self -brown hair
Of course

The blue eye of honey

In feng shui, color plays an important role
important in balancing yin and yang, the five elements, bringing luck and fortune
owner.Accordingly, the wallet color is also a factor that needs attention when choosing
Determined based on the five elements of each person.Each destiny has similar colors
birth, separate engraving.Mutual color will help replenish energy, carry
Luckily, fortune for the user.Correspondent colors will cause conflicts,
hindering the development of destiny.

Based on the five elements of fate, the color of the wallet is divided
into 5 main groups:

  • Destiny Kim
    (Born in 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 2024, 2024): Mutual color: White, Yellow,
    Gray, record.Correspondent color: red, pink, purple.
  • Destiny
    (born in 1958, 1972, 1981, 1990, 2024, 2024): Supporting color:
    Green, black, blue.Correspondent color: yellow, white, silver.
  • Destiny (born in 1966, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2024,
    2024): Mutual color: black, blue, white.Correspondent color: yellow, brown,
    2024, 2024): Supporting color: red, pink, purple.Correspondent color: black, blue
    Sea, white
    1976, 1984, 1992, 2024): Supporting color: yellow, brown, orange, pink.Correspondent color:
    Green, black, blue.

For example, if you were born year
1971, belonging to Kim, you should choose a wallet with white, yellow, gray, gray.Colors
This color will help replenish energy to the destiny, bring luck, talent

In addition, you can also choose a wallet color according to your preference
individual.However, it should be noted to avoid the colors that are similar to the destiny
Avoid negative effects.

The selection
Birth is a small feng shui element but can bring significant benefits.
A suitable color wallet will help you attract fortune, luck
Development of destiny.

Note when choosing a wallet color
According to the date of birth:

  • When choosing a wallet color, you need
    Note both the outer color and the inner color of the wallet.
  • You can also combine many different colors on the same wallet
    To create harmony, eye -catching.
  • If you do not know you memorize
    What destiny, you can refer to the lookup table according to the year of birth.

Hopefully the above information will help you better understand color
The wallet according to the date of birth and choosing the wallet that suits the destiny of

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