Sakonkarin colors
  1. Cosmetic
kct7 February 2024

Sakonkarin colors

Auspicious coat It is a popular concept among those who believe in the science of numbers and the power of color. In this concept, it is believed that the color of the clothing can affect fate and success in life. Those who believe in this concept often choose to wear auspicious clothes each day. In […]

Auspicious coat
It is a popular concept among those who believe in the science of numbers and the power of color.
In this concept, it is believed that the color of the clothing can affect fate and success in life.
Those who believe in this concept often choose to wear auspicious clothes each day.
In order to receive positive energy and add luck in various fieldsRequired

Man Karin
Is an expert in the famous numbers and numbers in Thailand
Is the publisher of the auspicious shirt conceptIn which he divides the color of the clothes into 5 main colors, including
Red, yellow, green, blue and purple
Each color has meaning and affects fate in various fields.As follows

  • Red
    Is the color of wealth, power and progress
    Suitable for those who want to enhance financial power
    And work progress
  • yellow
    Is a color of happinessProsperity and good luck
    Suitable for those who want to enhance happinessProsperity
    And good luck
  • Green is a natural color
    AbundanceAnd fortuneSuitable for those who want to enhance financial fortune
    And fertility
  • Blue
    Is a color of intelligence, knowledge and peace
    Suitable for those who want to enhance wisdom, knowledge and peace
  • Purple is a color of love, mercy and spirit.
    Suitable for those who want to enhance love, mercy and spirit

In addition to all 5 main colors, Man Karin
Also divided the color of the clothes into many colors
Each color has meaning and affects fate in various fields as well.
Those who believe in the concept of auspicious shirts can study more information from auspicious tables.

Example of auspicious color tables

Day needs auspicious color
Monday Finance Green
Tuesday Fortune Yellow
Wednesday Work White
Thursday Love Red
Friday Health Blue
Saturday Family Purple
Sunday Success Yellow

The concept of auspicious shirts is just a personal belief.
There is no scientific evidence that the color of the clothing can affect fate and real life success.
Those who believe in this concept should consider according to personal convenience and beliefs.

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