Reduce the amount of food
  1. Cosmetic
kct27 January 2024

Reduce the amount of food

reducing the amount of food is one way to lose weight that works very well. But reducing quantity does not mean fastingBut means to reduce the amount of food from the original By providing less energy from food than the body burns Usually, the body will use the energy from the food you eat. If […]

reducing the amount of food is one way to lose weight that works very well.
But reducing quantity does not mean fastingBut means to reduce the amount of food from the original
By providing less energy from food than the body burns
Usually, the body will use the energy from the food you eat.
If the body receives too much foodThe body will put the excess in the form of fat.
Which causes obesity and various diseases. If too much weight

Techniques for reducing food volume

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits.
    In which the vegetables and fruits have low caloriesAnd has a lot of fibers
    Which helps to feel full faster and longer.
  • Choose to eat low -fat protein.
    Such as fish, chicken, pork, tofu, egg whites and various beans
    Which these proteins will help to feel full for a long time
    And helps to stimulate the body to burn more calories.
  • Avoid foods that are high in fat such as butter, cheese, oily meat, crunchy snacks.
    And various fried foodWhich these foods are high in calories and difficult digested
    Therefore, should be eaten as little as possible.
  • Reduce the eating of sugar and polished flour.
    Such as nectar, soft drinks, desserts and white bread
    These foods will quickly reduce high blood sugar levels and decrease quickly.
    Which will make hunger faster.
  • Drink water or other beverages.
    That does not have more calories throughout the day
    Which will help reduce the amount of food you eat.
  • Reduce the size of the container used to eat.
    Which will help to eat less.
  • Eat slowly and gradually chew
    In order for the body to have time to absorb various nutrientsAnd helps to feel full faster
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