Open business, which day? 2024
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kct24 January 2024

Open business, which day? 2024

Open business. Which day? 2024 The opening of the business is important for many entrepreneurs. Because aside from having to consider the locationMarketing plan Choosing an auspicious time to open a shop is also important. Let’s see which day is good for opening a trading business in 2024. According to beliefs and Chinese astrology Monday: […]

Open business. Which day? 2024

The opening of the business is important for many entrepreneurs.
Because aside from having to consider the locationMarketing plan
Choosing an auspicious time to open a shop is also important.
Let’s see which day is good for opening a trading business in 2024.
According to beliefs and Chinese astrology

  1. Monday:
    Monday is considered a new day.Therefore suitable for opening a business
    Because it is believed to help the business prosperous and have many customers to subsidize

  2. Wednesday:
    Wednesday is a day of negotiation.
    Therefore suitable for opening a trading business related to trading or contract
    Believe that it will help the work to be accomplished well.

  3. Friday: Friday is a day of love and joy.
    Therefore suitable for opening a business related to entertainment or service
    Believe that it will help the business to be popular and profitable.

  4. Sunday: Sunday is a day of recreation.
    Therefore suitable for opening a trading business related to tourism or relaxation
    Believe that it will help the business to be popular and profitable.

Auspicious time for opening that trading business
May vary according to the beliefs and astrology of each individual.
Entrepreneurs should study the information and choose the opening day that is right for themselves.
For peace of mind and prosperity for the business

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