Mastering the Art of Curls A Guide to Using vi Language
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28 December 2023

Mastering the Art of Curls A Guide to Using vi Language

Mastering the Art of Curls: A Guide to Using vi Language curls curls vi is a powerful text editor that is available on most Unix and Linux systems. It is a modal editor, which means that it has different modes for different tasks, such as editing text, entering commands, and navigating the text buffer. vi […]

Mastering the Art of Curls: A Guide to Using vi



vi is a powerful text editor that is
available on most Unix and Linux systems. It is a modal editor, which means
that it has different modes for different tasks, such as editing text,
entering commands, and navigating the text buffer. vi can be a bit daunting to
learn at first, but it is a very rewarding tool to master.

Basic vi Commands

Here are some of the basic vi commands that
you will need to know:

    <a href="wq command to write the buffer to the fileand quit”>3×1028i: Insert
  • a: Append mode
  • end of the line

  • j: Move the cursor down one
  • k: Move the cursor up one line
  • line

  • $: Move the cursor to the end of the
  • n: Go to the next occurrence of the
    search pattern
  • N: Go to the previous
    occurrence of the search pattern
  • :: Enter
    command mode

vi Modes

vi has three main modes:

  • Normal
    This is the default mode that you are in when you start vi. In
    normal mode, you can use the arrow keys to move the cursor around, and you can
    use the keys listed above to delete text, enter text, and move the
  • Insert mode: This mode is for entering
    text. To enter insert mode, press the i key. To exit insert
    mode, press the Esc key.
  • Command mode: This
    mode is for entering commands. To enter command mode, press the

vi Commands

vi has a large
number of commands that you can use to perform various tasks. Here are a few

    <a href="wq command to write the buffer to the fileand quit”>3×1028:w: Write the buffer to the
  • :wq: Write the buffer to the file and
    quit vi
  • :q: Quit vi without saving the
  • :set nu: Turn on line numbering
  • pattern

  • N: Go to the previous occurrence of
    the search pattern

vi Tips

Here are a few tips for using vi:

  • Use the
    arrow keys to move the cursor around.
  • Use the keys listed
    above to delete text, enter text, and move the cursor.
  • Use the
    i key to enter insert mode.
  • Use the Esc key to
    exit insert mode and command mode.
  • Use the :w
    command to write the buffer to the file.
  • Use the
  • Use the :q command to quit vi without
    saving the buffer.


vi is a powerful text editor that can be used for a variety of tasks.
It can be a bit daunting to learn at first, but it is a very rewarding tool to
master. With a little practice, you will be able to use vi to edit text
quickly and efficiently.

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