Lotus, free car park
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SamuelJones26 January 2024

Lotus, free car park

Lotus is a large department store and supermarket with branches nationwide. Usually, Lotus has free parking for customers to park. But the free parking period may vary in each branch. In general, Lotus has free parking for customers to park for about 3 hours. But there are some branches that may be free or less […]

Lotus is a large department store and supermarket with branches nationwide.
Usually, Lotus has free parking for customers to park.
But the free parking period may vary in each branch.
In general, Lotus has free parking for customers to park for about 3 hours.
But there are some branches that may be free or less
Customers should check with that branch of Lotus.
To ask for more details about the free parking period

If customers park more than the specified period
Lotus may have additional parking fees.
The parking fee may vary in each branch as well.
Customers should ask the Lotus branch.
To ask for more details about parking fees. If the car park is over the specified time

In addition
Lotus also offers parking for disabled people.
The parking service for the disabled is close to the entrance to the mall or supermarket.
So that the disabled can access the mall or supermarket more conveniently.

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