Is a newbie to driveWhat do you need to know? Let’s see!
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SamuelJones22 February 2024

Is a newbie to driveWhat do you need to know? Let’s see!

Learn traffic rules: Everything in driving begins with the basis. Calling these traffic rules and also understanding the symbols Including signs. Adjust the driver’s seat and rear view mirror: before leaving the car Must think of the back seats and rear view mirrors firstThe driver’s seat should not be close or retreat. And you must […]

  • Learn traffic rules:
    Everything in driving begins with the basis.
    Calling these traffic rules and also understanding the symbols
    Including signs.
  • Adjust the driver’s seat and rear view mirror: before leaving the car
    Must think of the back seats and rear view mirrors firstThe driver’s seat should not be close or retreat.
    And you must be able to easily access various pedals
    The glass must be able to see the entire environment.
  • start the car and leave the car:
    Step on the brake and press the engine start button.When the device is stuck, gradually
    Release the brake and step on the accelerator.Then change the gear from the empty gear to gear 1
  • Slow drive: when you are in the carDon’t try to race!
    Remember that you are a newbieTry to drive slowlyAnd don’t rush
    Try if the secondary road comes to practice driving before leaving the main road
  • Use the light signal correctly:
    Turn on the turn signal when you want to turn.
    And use brake lights when you want to park or slow down
    Other drivers will be able to see you easier.
    And you can reduce the chance of the accident.
  • Drive a defensive car: The distance between you and other cars
    When there is something wrong, you will have time to find measures to cope.
    And always try to observe the road forward
    So you have plenty of time to see various dangers.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help: If you feel unsure
    Try to look for friends or family members who know how to drive.Let these people sit with you
    They will be able to help you in times of tightness.
  • Very practiced: The more driving
    The more you feel more confident in driving.
    It took a couple of hours to drive in the open space.
    Then go out to the real road
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