How To Say Thank You In Thai Language
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kct27 January 2024

How To Say Thank You In Thai Language

How to Say “Thank you” in Thai Language The Most Common Way To say “Thank you” in Thai is Thank you (Khob Khun) . This is a Polite Phrase that Can Be Used in Any Situation.To make it event, You Can Add The Gender Particle (Khrap) OR (kha) Depenting on Wheether You are Male OR […]

How to Say “Thank you” in Thai

How To Say Thank You In Thai Language 1

The Most Common Way
To say “Thank you” in Thai is Thank you (Khob Khun) . This is a
Polite Phrase that Can Be Used in Any Situation.To make it event,
You Can Add The Gender Particle (Khrap) OR
Depenting on Wheether You are Male OR

How To Say Thank You In Thai Language 2

Here are some

How To Say Thank You In Thai Language 3

  • Thank you.
    (Khob Khun Khrap)
    – Thank you (Male)
  • Thank you.
    (Khob Khun Kha)
    – Thank you (Female)
  • Thank you very much.
    You very Much (Male/FeMale)
  • Thank you really.
    Khun Jing -Jing Khrap/Kha)
    – Thank you very Much (Literaily: Thank you
  • Thank you very much.
    – Thank you so Much (Literally: Thank you very Much

Here are some Some Other Ways to Say “Thank you”
In Thai, Depening on the Context:

How To Say Thank You In Thai Language 4

  • Thank you for the gift.
    – Thank you for the Gift (Male/FeMale)
  • Thank you for your help.
    Chue -Ayk Khrap/Kha)
    – Thank you for your help (male/female)
  • Thank you for your advice (Khob Khun Sa -rap Khwam Nae-nam
    – Thank you for your advice (Male/FeMale)
  • Thank you for everything.
    – Thank you for everyuthing (Male/FeMale)

tips for saying “Thank you” in

How To Say Thank You In Thai Language 5

  • Thank you to Someone Older than you.
    Always Best to use the Polite Particles (Khrap) or
    (kha) .
  • if you want to express your
    gratitude more sincery, you can use the word (Jing-
    , Which mes “Really” or “tried.”
  • You can also
    Add the Word (MAK) , Which mes “Much,” To make your thank
    You Every Emphatic.
  • When Thanking Someone for A Gift, IT
    IS Customary to Bow Slightly.
  • When Thanking Someone for the
    Help or advice, it is Customary to Make Eye Contact and Smile.

Here is an Example of A Dialogue Where You Can Use The Phrase.
“Thank you” in Thai:

You: Thank you for the delicious food.
Yes, (Khob Khun Sa-Rap Ahan Aroy-AROY KHAP/KA) TheM:
It’s okay. (Mai Pen Rai Khrap/Kha)


  • You: Thank you for the delited
  • Them: You’re Welcome.

by following these tips, you can learn to say “Thank you” in Thai.
Politly and Appropriately in Any Situation.

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