How To Say Similar In Thai Language
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kct21 December 2023

How To Say Similar In Thai Language

Sure, here is an explanation of how to say “Similar” in Thai. Language: The Thai Word for “Similar” Is similar (Khlaai). It Can Be Used to Describe TWO TWO TWO THINGS THET HAVE SIMILAR Characteristics or appearance.For Example, You Could Say: These two shirts are similar. (Sà áo sǎng dtua ní Khlai Kan) – These […]

Sure, here is an explanation of how to say “Similar” in Thai.

How To Say Similar In Thai Language 1

The Thai Word for “Similar”
Is similar (Khlaai). It Can Be Used to Describe TWO TWO TWO THINGS THET HAVE SIMILAR
Characteristics or appearance.For Example, You Could

How To Say Similar In Thai Language 2

  • These two shirts are similar.
    (Sà áo sǎng dtua ní Khlai Kan) – These Two Shirts Are Similar.
  • This house is similar to my old house (Bàan Lǎng Ní Khlai Kap Bàan Gao
    Kŏng Chan) – this house is similar to my old.
  • Your pink tulips similar to mine (Thĩu Lip Sī Chôm púng kún Khlai
    Kap Kŏng Chan) – Your Pink Lipstick is similar to mine.

The Word Simer (KHLAI) Canal Be Used in a More Figutive Sense to
Mean “to Resemble” or “to be like.”For Example, You Could

How To Say Similar In Thai Language 3

  • Your feelings are similar to my feelings (Khwam Rùgsuk Kŏn Klai
    Kap Khwam Rùgsuk Kŏng Chan) – Your Feelings Are Similar to Mine.
  • This event is similar to the events in the book (Hètukan Ní Khlai Kap Hètukan
    nai năng sǎak) – This Event is Simila to An Event in a Book.
  • Your dream similar to my dream (Khwam Fǎan Kŏng Kún Khlai Kap
    Khwam Fǎan Kŏng Chan) – Your Dreams Are Similar to Mine.

The Word Simer (KHLAI) is a very Versatiile Word That Can Be Used in
MANY DIFFFERNT CONTEXTS.It is a good word to know if you are learning.

How To Say Similar In Thai Language 4

How To Say Similar In Thai Language 5

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