How To Say How Much In Thai Language
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kct27 December 2023

How To Say How Much In Thai Language

The Most Common Way to Say “How Much” in Thai is with the word “How much” (PRONONCED “TAO RAI”). This Word Can Be Used on ITS OWN to Ask About The Price of Someting, Or IT Can Be Used with The Word “Price” (Pronounced “Ra ka “) to Ask” How Much Dos It Cost? “. […]

The Most Common Way to Say “How Much” in Thai is with the word
“How much” (PRONONCED “TAO RAI”). This Word Can Be Used on ITS OWN to Ask About
The Price of Someting, Or IT Can Be Used with The Word “Price” (Pronounced “Ra
ka “) to Ask” How Much Dos It Cost? “.

How To Say How Much In Thai Language 1

For Example:

How To Say How Much In Thai Language 2

  • How much? (How Much?)
  • How much is this shirt? (How Much is this shirt?)
  • How much is it? (How Much dos IT Cost?)
  • How much does the car go to Chatuchak Park? (How Much is a Taxi to
    Chatuchak Market?)

You can all use the word “how many”
(Pronounced “Gee”) to ASK “Howomy”.This Word is Used for Countable Nouns,
Such as Apples, Books, or Cars.

How To Say How Much In Thai Language 3


How To Say How Much In Thai Language 4

  • How many baht? (Howomy Baht?)
  • How many baht? (Howomy Baht for Bananas?)
  • How many books are there? (How Many Books Are are?)
  • How many cars? (How Many Cars Are?)

Here are some Some Other uses for Asking about Prices in

How To Say How Much In Thai Language 5

  • Pai)
    – Too Expensive
  • Cheap (Took Pai)
    – Too Cheap
  • Can be discounted (Lot Ra Ka Dai Mai)
    – Can you give me a discount?
  • How much is it? (How
    MUCH Do I Pay?)

I Hope this Helps!

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