How To Order Coffee In Thai Language
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kct7 January 2024

How To Order Coffee In Thai Language

Ordering Coffee in Thai Can Be A Fun and Rewarding Experience.Here are a fw tips to help you get started: Learn the Names of the Different Types of Coffee in Thai. Some of the Most Common Types of Coffee Include: Macchiato Decide Whoer You wan your Coffee Hot Or Cold. In Thai, Hot Coffee is […]

Ordering Coffee in Thai Can Be A Fun and Rewarding Experience.Here
are a fw tips to help you get started:

How To Order Coffee In Thai Language 1

  1. Learn the Names of the Different Types of Coffee in Thai.
    Some of the Most Common Types of Coffee Include:

  2. Decide Whoer You wan your
    Coffee Hot Or Cold. In Thai, Hot Coffee is Called Hot coffee (GAH-FAE-
    , and Iced Coffee is Called Iced coffee (GAH-FAE-
  3. Decide How Much Sugar You want in your coffee.
    In Thai, Sugar is Called Sugar(naam-taan) . You can say
    Not sweet(Mai-Waan) for no sugar,
    For a Little Sugar, 3×1009 for
    Medium Sugar, OR Very sweet(waan-maak) for a lot of
  4. Once You have Decided on the Type of Coffee You want,
    The Temperature, and the Amount of Sugar, You Can Start Ordering.Here are
    Some Examples of How to Order Coffee in Thai:

    • One coffee (GAH-FAE-Yen Nung) : One
      Iced Coffee
    • Americano(ah-mer-i-can-o-yen
      : One Iced Americano

    • Tae-Ron Nung)
      : One Hot Latte
    • Iced Cappuccino

    • One hot espresso(ES-Pres-So -ron
      : One Hot Espresso

    • ka-yen nung)
      : One Iced Mocha
    • Carames Makki Ao Yen(Care-A-MEL-MAK-Key-A-TOE-YEN
      : One Iced Caramel Macchiato
  5. if
    You are ordering for multiple people, you can use the word
    For “Person”.For Example, if you want to order Two Iced
    Americanos, You would Say two cold Americano(ah-mer-i-can-o-yen
  6. Once You have Placed Your Order, You Can
    SAY Thank you.(kop-kun) for “Thank you”.

Here are some addressal tips for ordering coffee in

How To Order Coffee In Thai Language 2

  • Be Patient.IT May Take
    A Little For the Barista to Understand Your Order, ESPECIALLY IF You are
    Not Speaking Thai Fluently.
  • Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help.
    If you are not Sure How to Say Someting, You Can Ask The Barista for Help.
    You canal use a Thai phrasebook or dictionary to help you.
  • Have fun!Ordering Coffee in Thai Can Be A Fun and Rewarding
    Experience.Enjoy the Process and Don Be Afraid to Make Mistakes.

I Hope This

How To Order Coffee In Thai Language 3

How To Order Coffee In Thai Language 4

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