How to make it thin as quickly as possible
  1. Cosmetic
kct2 January 2024

How to make it thin as quickly as possible

Change of dining Eat foods that are rich in vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber. Because it will help to be full longer and help reduce eating too much. Reduce eating, processed food, sweet food, fried food and oily food Eat breakfast every day.Breakfast will help make the metabolic system well. Regular exercise […]

  1. Change of dining
  • Eat foods that are rich in vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber.
    Because it will help to be full longer and help reduce eating too much.
  • Reduce eating, processed food, sweet food, fried food and oily food
  • Eat breakfast every day.Breakfast will help make the metabolic system well.
  1. Regular exercise
  • Aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming
    Cycling for at least 30 minutes per day 5 days a week
  • Exercise for 2-3 days a week.
    The muscles will help to burn fat better.
  1. Drink enough water
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    The water will help to feel full and help reduce appetite.
  • Avoid high -brown drinks such as soft drinks.
    Boxing juice
  1. Get enough sleep
  • Adults should sleep for at least 7-8 hours per night.
    Not enough sleep will cause the body to secrete hormones.
    Which will lead to too many diet and fat accumulation
  1. Stress management
  • Stress is one of the factors that can make people eat too much.
    If you feel stressedTrying to find a way to deal with stress, such as exercise, meditation.
    Listen to music
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