How many baht Dio Siam Parking
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JamesWilson30 January 2024

How many baht Dio Siam Parking

Parking fee at Dio Siam has the following rates. Parking 20 baht/time Parking motorcycle 10 Baht/time with both outdoor parking spaces And the roof parking area Which has enough parking space to support the user in the project The user can pay the parking fee at the automatic payment cabinet. By bringing the parking cardThat […]

Parking fee at Dio Siam has the following rates.

  • Parking 20 baht/time
  • Parking motorcycle 10

with both outdoor parking spaces
And the roof parking area
Which has enough parking space to support the user in the project

The user can pay the parking fee at the automatic payment cabinet.
By bringing the parking cardThat was paid when entering the parking lot to pay at the cabinet
And bring the tickets obtained from the automatic payment cabinetWhen leaving the parking lotThrough the card scanning point
Then drop the card to the box that the officers have preparedThe project exit area

In addition
There is also a monthly parking service for regular customers.
You can ask for more information at Di Siam’s public relations counter


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