  1. Cosmetic
kct17 January 2024


Select the right tree: Should choose trees that are suitable for the environment and climate in that area Including the size and shape that is suitable for the garden area Place the tree to proportion: Place the tree to have different sizes and shapes. To create interest and diversity for the garden Create a center: […]

  1. Select the right tree:
    Should choose trees that are suitable for the environment and climate in that area
    Including the size and shape that is suitable for the garden area

  2. Place the tree to proportion:
    Place the tree to have different sizes and shapes.
    To create interest and diversity for the garden

  3. Create a center: create a center of the garden.
    To attract the eyes and create interest, such as fountains, statues or benches

  4. Create a path:
    Create a path that is winding and unique.
    So that people can enjoy the garden.

  5. Other elements: Place other elements such as decorative stone lamps
    Or tilesTo add beauty and interest to the garden

  6. Regularly maintain the garden: cutting down trees, watering fertilizer
    And regularly eliminate weedsFor the garden to look beautiful and always healthy.

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