  1. Cosmetic
kct14 January 2024


Choose a tree planting area: Before organizing, must look for the area to be considered to be the environment? How big or small?When is the sun or shade in the day? In which direction the wind is blowing, etc. All of this is something that affects the growth of trees. If found the appropriate space, […]

  1. Choose a tree planting area:
    Before organizing, must look for the area to be considered to be the environment?
    How big or small?When is the sun or shade in the day?
    In which direction the wind is blowing, etc.
    All of this is something that affects the growth of trees.
    If found the appropriate space, then start planning the design immediately.
  2. Define the gardening guidelines: the owner of the house can arrange a variety of gardens.
    Whether it is a natural garden, Japanese garden, Mediterranean Garden, British Garden or Waterfall Garden
    For example, each type will have different identity. However
    If it’s just a newbie, it is recommended to look for a garden in a style that is easy to take care of and has a cost that is not too high.
  3. Choose trees and plants that are suitable for the house:
    After specifying the gardening guidelines
    This step is to look for trees or plants that match the planting area.
    For the garden to be colorfulBy considering various limitations such as the size of the tree
    Soil condition, weather, direction, sun, maintenance, etc. Important
    You should have a variety of garden space for trees with different sizes.
  4. Dealing with limited space problems: If there is a small and limited tree planting area
    Whether the wall of the house, balcony, condo
    Or apartments can also provide small gardensCan relax
    By choosing the right size potDecorated with trees or flowers that look eyebrows
    This makes the garden in the area warm.
  5. Gardening with durable materials:
    Another important factor in gardening is the selection of durable materials.
    But comes with a reaching price, such as real wood, stone, concrete, metal, zinc, etc.
    By using to decorate the landscape in the gardenOr invented as a garden use, such as a table
    Load chair, planting trees, etc.
  6. effectively set up water systems and electrical systems: to allow the garden to survive sustainably
    This step is to lay the water system to suit the way of life of the homeowner.
    If you don’t have much time to take care, you should bring a drop of watering system to help.
    Which can be set in the case of having to travel to other provinces or abroad for a long time
    The power system helps to increase the beauty and safe to the garden at night.
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