Fast hair trick
  1. Cosmetic
kct31 December 2023

Fast hair trick

Fast hair trick is a secret to help hair longer faster. Which can be done both from the outside and inside the bodyBy tricks from the outside of the body Including correctly shampoo , should wash your hair every other day or two days. By using shampoos that are suitable for scalp and hair conditions […]

Fast hair trick is a secret to help hair longer faster.
Which can be done both from the outside and inside the bodyBy tricks from the outside of the body

  • correctly shampoo , should wash your hair every other day or two days.
    By using shampoos that are suitable for scalp and hair conditions
    Then rinse with cold water or warm water at low temperatures.
  • Hair nourishing after the pool
    Which can use hair conditioner or hair treatment
    To help the hair moist and strong.
  • Frequent scalp massage
    Will help stimulate blood circulation around the scalp
    Resulting in the hair growing faster
  • Brush brush lightly
    To prevent the hair is broken and falling off

The trick from the bodyIncluding

  • Eat useful food
    Which should eat foods that are rich in protein, vitamin B12, iron, iron
    And biotin, which these nutrients help in the growth of the hair
  • Avoid eating high -fat foods
    Because high fat can easily fall off the hair.
  • Get enough rest
    Sufficient rest will help the body to repair the wear and tear and stimulate the growth of the hair.
  • Reduce stress
    Because stress can easily fall off the hair.

In additionThere are other tricks.That may help accelerate long hair such as
Hair fermentation with various natural oils or oilBy popular hair fermentation formula

  • Fatten hair with egg yolks and olive oil
    Will help nourish the hair strong and moist.
  • Marinated with kaffir lime
    Will help stimulate blood circulation around the scalp and help prevent gray hair
  • Fermented with coconut oil
    Will help nourish the hair to be soft, flowing and prevent dry and damaged hair.

HoweverThe results of long hair acceleration may vary in each person.
Depending on various factors such as genetics, physical condition, living behavior
For example, therefore should be done regularly and patiently.
To get the desired results

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