Choose the color of the wallet according to the birthday.
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kct29 December 2023

Choose the color of the wallet according to the birthday.

Choosing a bag of wallet on birthday is a personal belief that is popular in Thailand. Believe that choosing the color of the wallet to suit the birthday will help enhance financial horoscopes Fortune and prestige for usersCausing money to flow Life is only prosperous. The colors of the auspicious wallet according to birthdays are […]

Choosing a bag of wallet on birthday is a personal belief that is popular in Thailand.
Believe that choosing the color of the wallet to suit the birthday will help enhance financial horoscopes
Fortune and prestige for usersCausing money to flow
Life is only prosperous.

The colors of the auspicious wallet according to birthdays are as follows:

In addition to choosing a bag of wallet according to birthdayThere are still other tips.
That will help enhance financial horoscopes, such as

  • Should choose a wallet with a rectangular shape.
    Because it is believed to help save money.
  • Should choose a wallet with separate coin storage compartments.
    Because it is believed to help save money from leaking.
  • Should always keep the money in the wallet.
    Because it is believed that it will help attract money.
  • Should change the new wallet every 3-5 years.
    Or when the wallet is damaged or too old

Choosing a bag of wallet on birthday is only personal beliefs.
Does not have any scientific effectsIf anyone wants to supplement financial horoscopes in this way
Can be done according to belief
But if anyone doesn’t believe it, you can choose the bag color as you like.

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