Getting A Thai Massage Language
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kct29 December 2023

Getting A Thai Massage Language

Thai massage, also known as Nuat Thai, is a traditional healing system that combines acupressure, yoga, and assisted stretching. It is a popular form of massage therapy around the world, and is known for its many benefits, including reducing stress, improving flexibility, and relieving pain. If you are planning to get a Thai massage, it […]

Thai massage, also known as Nuat Thai, is a traditional healing system
that combines acupressure, yoga, and assisted stretching. It is a popular form
of massage therapy around the world, and is known for its many benefits,
including reducing stress, improving flexibility, and relieving

Getting A Thai Massage Language 1

If you are planning to get a
Thai massage, it is helpful to know a few basic Thai phrases. This will help
you to communicate with your massage therapist and ensure that you have a
positive experience.

Getting A Thai Massage Language 2

Here are some
useful Thai phrases for getting a Thai

Getting A Thai Massage Language 3

  • What kind of
    massage would you like?
    – วันนี้มานวดอะไรคะ (wan nee maa nuad a-rai
  • I would like a Thai massage. – นวดไทย +
    ครับ/ ค่ะ (nuad thai khrap/kha)
  • How long would you
    like your massage to be?
    – นวดกี่ชั่วโมง (nuad kee chua mong?)
  • I would like a two-hour massage. – สองชั่วโมง (sawng
    chua mong)
  • Can I please have a stronger/softer
    – ขอนวดแรงขึ้น / เบาลงหน่อยคะ (khaw nuad raeng khuen / bao
    long noi ka)
  • Please pay attention to my [body part]. – ขอเน้นที่ [body part] หน่อยคะ (khaw nen tee [body part] noi
  • I am feeling pain here. – เจ็บตรงนี้ค่ะ
    (jep thong nee ka)
  • Thank you. – ขอบคุณค่ะ
    (khob khun ka)

You can also use these phrases to
communicate with your massage therapist during your

Getting A Thai Massage Language 4

  • More
    pressure here.
    – แรงขึ้นตรงนี้ (raeng khuen thong nee)
  • Less pressure here. – เบาลงหน่อยตรงนี้ (bao long noi
    thong nee)
  • That feels good. – ดีค่ะ (dee
  • That hurts. – เจ็บค่ะ (jep ka)
  • Can you stop? – หยุดนวดก่อนได้ไหมคะ (yut nuad gon dai
    mai ka)

If you are not sure how to say something in
Thai, or if you are having trouble communicating with your massage therapist,
you can always ask them for help. Most Thai massage therapists are happy to
speak English, and they will be happy to help you ensure that you have a
comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Getting A Thai Massage Language 5

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