Auspicious color according to birthday 2024 case
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kct25 December 2023

Auspicious color according to birthday 2024 case

สีมงคล ตาม วัน เกิด 2567 In Asian culture, the color is believed to have an impact on destiny of human.According to this concept, every day of the week has a suitable color Hop helps to bring good luck and convenience for people born that day. Specifically, the color is suitable for each day The week […]

สีมงคล ตาม วัน เกิด 2567

In Asian culture, the color is believed to have an impact on destiny
of human.According to this concept, every day of the week has a suitable color
Hop helps to bring good luck and convenience for people born that day.

Specifically, the color is suitable for each day
The week is as follows:

  • Sunday: Red symbolizes strength, power
    And luck.People born on Sunday should wear red clothes to attract attention,
    Create a good impression and achieve success at work.
  • Second: White symbolizes purity,
    Pure and peace.People born on the second day should wear white clothes to be able to
    Currently calm, lucid and popular with others.
  • Third: Pink symbolizes love, romance
    And luck.People born on the third day should wear pink clothes to attract objects,
    Search for love and happiness in life.

  • Tu:
    Green symbolizes development, proliferation and proliferation
    Lucky fortune.People born on the fourth day should wear green clothes to have
    Many opportunities for promotion and development in work and business.
  • Thursday: Yellow symbolizes wealth, rights
    force and luck.People born on Thursday should wear yellow clothes to have more talents
    Loc, success at work and life.

  • Six:
    Purple symbolizes creativity, art and luck
    love.People born on Friday should wear purple clothes to show their religious
    Spread, attract objects and seek happiness in love.
  • Saturday: Black symbolizes power, mystery
    And luck in health.People born on Saturday should wear black clothes to have more
    Health, avoid illness and have good luck in the game

In addition, some people believe that the color of
Items can also affect destiny.Accordingly, people often choose
Colors suitable for the date of birth to decorate the house, shopping, … with
Desire to bring luck, peace and happiness to the family.

Note when choosing colors according to the date of birth

When choosing colors according to the date of birth, you need to note a number of things
The following:

  • Should choose the color that suits your destiny.
    If you do not know what your destiny is, you can consult the professional
    Feng shui
    my way.If you do not like the color is thought to be suitable for the date of birth
    Mine, you can choose other colors that you feel comfortable and self
  • should not be too dependent on color.Everything needs
    balance, harmony.If you only pay attention to the color and ignore other factors
    such as personality, capacity, … will not be able to achieve success in the game


Color color
Sac according to the date of birth is one of the factors that many people are interested in
life.However, you need to understand that color is only a small factor.
to human destiny.To achieve success, you need efforts,
Improve yourself and constantly learn.

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