Unlock the Power of Color The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Auspicious Car Colors
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10 December 2023

Unlock the Power of Color The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Auspicious Car Colors

Unlock the power of color: Comprehensive instructions to choose colors Lucky car living in japan Unlock The Power of Color The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Auspicious Car Colors Color is an important part of the game Our life.We use colors to express ourselves, convey Emotions and creating atmosphere.Colors can also have a mood impact and […]

Unlock the power of color: Comprehensive instructions to choose colors
Lucky car

living in japan

Unlock The Power of Color The
Ultimate Guide to Choosing Auspicious Car Colors

Color is an important part of the game
Our life.We use colors to express ourselves, convey
Emotions and creating atmosphere.Colors can also have a mood impact
and our behavior.

In the field
Feng shui, color is thought to affect the destiny of people.
According to the Five Elements theory, each person has a certain destiny, corresponding to one
Color group.Choosing a suitable car color is expected to bring good luck
benefits and peace for the driver.

How to choose a suitable car color

to choose color
Vehicles suitable, need to identify their destiny according to the year of birth.There are 5 destiny in the army
Onions: Kim, Moc, Thuy, Fire, Earth.Each destiny corresponds to the colors

  • Kim: White, gray, silver
  • Moc: Green, blue
  • Thuy: Black, blue
  • Fire: Red, pink, orange
  • Tho: brown, yellow, orange earth

For example, if you were born in 1990, so you should choose the car color
brown, yellow, orange earth.

The meaning of the car colors in the room

Each color has its own meaning in
Feng Shui.Here are some meanings of feng shui car colors:

  • White: symbolizes purity,
    Pure, bring luck, peace.
  • Color
    symbolizes stability, resilience, bringing stability,
    Yes, Phu Quy, bring fortune, prosperity.
  • Blue
    Symbolizing freshness, proliferation, health, talent
  • Blue: symbolizes broadness
    Big, immense, bringing peace and relaxation.
  • Color color
    symbolizes the mystery, power, bringing luck, favorable
  • Red: symbolizes luck, heat
    Blood, bringing success, promotion.
  • Color
    symbolizes romance, love, bringing happiness,
    Dynamic, enthusiasm, bringing creativity, breakthrough.
  • Color color
    symbolizes stability, stability, bringing peace, security
  • Yellow: symbolizes wealth,
    Phu Quy, bring fortune, prosperity.
  • Orange
    symbolizes strength, resilience, bringing success,

    In addition to choosing a suitable car color, you also need to save
    What are the following:

    • Choose the car color that suits the department
      Like and your style.
    • Choose a car color
      Suitable for your economic conditions.
    • Choose a car color
      Suitable for your living and working environment.


    Choose a suitable car color is one
    Simple but effective way to bring luck, convenience and peace
    The driver.If you are planning to buy a car, take some time to learn about
    Feng shui to choose the car color that best suits you.

    Promotes more to learn

    Topic “Unlock
    The power of color: Comprehensive guide to choose a lucky car color “is a owner
    Interesting and useful.Learning about this topic will help you understandmore about ideas
    The meaning of color in feng shui, from which can be selected for the color of the car
    Merchant with me.

    You can learn more about this topic
    Through the following sources:

    • Books, newspapers,
      Journal of Feng Shui.
    • Website, blog about Phong Phong
    • Advice of Phong experts

    Hopefully this article has brought about
    Give you the right information

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